The ‘Veterans WARM HUB’ will be held on the last Wednesday of every month in the Berwick Voluntary Centre, 5 Tweed Street. The WARM HUB is open to veterans, ex-service personnel and their friends and families.

FREE Tea/coffee and biscuits will is served from 10am – 12pm.

We are open to suggestions from ex-veterans how they would like the WARM HUB to be run. Maybe you would like to have either a guest speaker or themed event every month? You might even want a trip organised but unsure and need some help.

If you would like further information about ‘The Veterans WARM Hub’  please call into the Berwick Voluntary Centre or ring Tel: 01289 304141 for further details.

DON’T FORGET – Last Wednesday of every month 10am – 12pm – Berwick Voluntary Centre – Tweed Street – Berwick-upon-Tweed 

Next Veterans’ WARM HUB scheduled for Wednesday 31 July 2024

We are also looking for ex-service personnel to help run ‘The WARM HUB’ – if you are interested them please visit our ‘Volunteering in North Northumberland’ page for more information.